Goal #71: Say "I love you" everyday for a year
Check... plus some.
Happy 1st Anniversary
to my very Hunky Husband!
It has been a wonderful 365 days!
And with the exception of a few days that we were out of communication we nailed this goal on the head... without even trying. Amazing what happens when you are madly in love with someone. ;)
Last year I posted this online a few days before our wedding....
(I'm posting here for my records sake)
I LOVE this man! I am so excited to marry him in 3 days! He is one of the greatest blessings in my life. He is my better half. His wisdom and quiet confidence is a great strength to me. We talk openly and honestly with each other. We laugh... about everything. I love that he patiently waits for me to figure out I am wrong, especially because I think I'm always right. Just spending time with him somehow lightens my load. He is a good man, one of the best, and I get to marry him.
A year later I feel the same way.
I couldn't be more excited for the next 365+ days!