May 7, 2009

I thought it was time...

To introduce you to my family!

I tried to make these as accurate as possible.
Dad: The work, work, work balding, "can't see a thing" most incredible man I know
Mom: The classy one who "can't see a thing" either that keeps our family together... and sane
Me: The cowgirl favorite oldest sister (and daughter) angel
Ry: The pirate/fireman costume should say it all
DP: The 17yr old teenager beauty drama queen
Bugs: The one who is taller than his older sisters and is going to be as big as a pro football player one day
Peaches: The twirling strawberry-blonde emotional bundle of energy
That's my family! And I love them!

1 comment:

Holli and Corey Walton said...

Did you draw those? That is so perfect. Teach me! I love the pictures you took of your friend Ali