November 29, 2011

Tribute #23

President Mack
Mission Homecoming 2010

Just like President Hinckley will always be my prophet, President Mack will always be my Stake President. ha ha From the time we moved to Utah when I was 8 yrs old to the time I moved away from home (ish) he was my Stake President. I am so grateful for his example of righteous priesthood leadership. I appreciated him long before, but I realized on my mission how much of my understanding of Priesthood leadership was a result in what I experienced and observed with him.

I remember the hugs and the words of encouragement when I messed up a presentation at Girls Camp. I remember the words of counsel he shared when I prepared to leave home for college. I remember how he lead meetings by the Spirit. I remember walking into their home and feeling the power of the Gospel among their family. And I am grateful for his words of wisdom when I returned home from my mission about how to keep my testimony strong.

Thanks President Mack for being a righteous Priesthood holder.

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